What to do with the final XML after processing in NAÏVE?

NAÏVE has finished processing and you've exported an XML file. Now you have to import the XML into the editing software.

Import an XML into Premiere Pro by double-clicking on the empty space of the project window or selecting File —> Import from the main menu:


The size and complexity of the an XML file depends on the size and number of files in your source footage. If you are working with a large project, the import may take some time. It is also worth noting that an XML is just a markup file. Your footage files are safe and sound.

After import, you will see that two sequences: all footage and clean footage. Your source footage is in the folder named "footages". If you used the function of creating proxy files, then an XML will be linked to proxy files. If not, an XML will refer to the original footage.


Let's imagine an example in which you use only one camera and one audio recorder.

In the clean footage sequence you can find all the clips that NAÏVE considered technically “clean” in chronological order. "Clean" clips are without technical defects like camera shake. All audio files that NAÏVE was able to synchronize with the video will be placed exactly in time in the corresponding audio track below. You can safely use everything that is in this sequence in the final editing.


In "all footage" the footage is divided into two tracks: track number 2 - a copy of what you can find in clean footage, track number 1 – footage in which NAÏVE found technical defects. All footage are also arranged in chronological order. Thus, all your source footage in front of your eyes, already marked out in two groups.In track number 2, “defects” are color-coded, and are currently divided into two large groups: blue means shake and other sudden camera movements, purple means camera adjustments.